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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I register my business?

  • We have the most comprehensive business directory with over 250 listings
  • There are advertising packages from $450/yr to a free listing
  • Locally targeted market
  • SEO compliant with "type in" traffic for our domain name. Google loves us being

How do I log in?

You will require the temporary password emailed to you by our system, when you first registered for the site. To LOG IN to your admin area click here. This is what is usually called the “back end” where you can see your profile, change passwords etc. and a whole heap of things. We recommend that you immediately change your password when you first log in.

After I log in, how do I get back to the main website?

That’s easy, from within the admin area, go to the top left hand corner and you will see this image, hover over Chancellor Park >> and click visit site.